Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chalet (or Bungalow) update 040109 0038hrs

Ok er ya, more details...

Meeting place: Tampines MRT control station/ticketing office/whatever

Meeting time: 2.30PM (a bit late also never mind la)

How to get there: We will go Tampines Interchange, take bus 29... ya must pay money, and some brave soul must remind us where to alight... JL will be going there early to check in, will confirm again whether we go straight to the bungalow or the check-in place, that I not sure...

What's gonna be brought and what's not:
Me: Poker cards (4 decks?), basketball (probably), quarto, quoridor, Boom-O (for those who er still rmb how to play)
JL: cluedo, blokus, monopoly (yea, revise your econs)
Yisheng: X-box
Jia Jun: Frisbee?
Hui Min: More poker cards?
Who brings mahjong: I could, but dun torture your poor chem rep la...
Who brings soccer ball: I could as well, if you want to break a few skulls and sprain a few ankles... And of course, if you like to see me carrying 1 heavy travelling bag, 1 basketball, 1 mahjong set, 1 soccer ball and 2 board games...
Who brings homework: EVERYBODY!!!
Who brings cubes: EVERYBODY TOO!!! (Not just me hor)

Other stuff:
Lunch i guess you guys can settle yourselves. Cos it's not fun to lug so much stuff around for lunch...
If you can please get/beg/bug/bribe a few more SMTP people to come, cos really not many people... As of now Hui Min is the only girl coming...
Help me pass the message around (tho i think you all pass the message a lot of times liao): Go vote on egroups...... ASAP...... See those people whose emails are not listed on the respondents list? Go bug those...

erm... urgent need for suggestions now. please MAKE SURE it's feasible...

Yea, so far that's probably all...

And 1 last thing, if you're still hesitating whether to come or not, just come!!! I promise you there'll be time for mugging, even though you're supposed to have fun... And try to stay overnight, cos we may play night basketball haha=)


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