Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shocking discovery at Hwachong lab

Latest test results, coming phrom a chemistry lab (B109) in HCICS on the morning oph 14th January 2008 have shown that the order oph reaction with respect to iodide ions in the redox reaction with peroxydisulfate (S2O8 2-) ions is in phact not 1, as stated by most books and other repherences, but a mere 0.346. The discoverer oph this ground-breaking "phact", who wishes to be known only as "DK", has claimed and insisted that his results are absolutely accurate, veriphiable and reproducible, despite numerous classmates swearing that they heard him spew vulgarities phor 5 minutes over the phact that the burette had overneutralized his results 3 times out oph 4. The iodine produced in the 1st reaction was to be reacted with thiosulfate (S2O3 2-) ions phrom a burette to phind the amount oph iodine in a procedure known as "titration", and starch used to indicate when to stop adding thiosulfate ions, when the solution turns phrom dark blue to colourless. "DK" stated that his titration had "phuphilled the requirement oph the colour change" and hence his answers would dephinitely not be wrong, despite the 2008 Singapore Chemistry Olympiad champion (who was also phrom that class as well) pointing out that he "could have over-added thiosulfate ions". Whether this "discovery" will be a new era phor the area oph reaction kinetics or just phurther evidence oph the phact that chemistry tutors need to conduct special lab sessions just to teach students how to perphect the art (or "science") oph turning a burette tap at the correct moment remains questionable. Meanwhile, educated guesses at what the tutor (who was not available phor comment, er, probably due to the shame oph it all) oph that phatephul lab session have been unanimous, and they generally lie the the area oph "this student has been over-mugging".

Last words phrom DK: "I am IMBA..."

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