Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rain Dance

So we were talking about clouds during morning assembly.

Ho: "Those are cirrus clouds, right? Cirrus clouds imply rain right?"
Me: "I hope it rains! rain rain rain rain"
Sean: "riiiight. So you think you can make it rain just like *snaps fingers* this?"

a math lecture later

Me: "oooo look dark clouds on the horizon"
lwz: "rain rain rain rain"
yuqun: "yeah right. let's start walking to the swimming pool."
tjh: "let's take the long cut by the road"
Me: *snaps fingers* x 1000

Ho: "ohnoes the wind is blowing the clouds away!"
Me: "Convection cells dude"
Jeremy: "yummy granola bar"

Me: "hey sean. *snaps fingers*"
Sean: "lol. *snaps fingers* *snaps fingers* *snaps fingers*"
rain starts falling in earnest!
Ho: "do you hear that?"
Sean: "it's the sound of our early recess."

Jeremy: (looking at the rain on the pool) "This is the most beautiful landscape ever. I won't mind this being my desktop screensaver."

rain starts falling like a monsoon just broke.
Sean: "maybe it was delayed action and we shouldn't have *snaps fingers* snapped so much"

While all this was happening, shizhi was suspiciously spending 1.5 hours in/on the toilet. Whatever that might mean.


yuqun "oops, I left the class valuables box at the canteen bench!" (negligent boy)


One Kelvin!
Two Kelvin!
Three Kelvin!
(two hours later)
Three hundred and two Kelvin!
Three hundred and THREE lovely Kelvin! Ah ha ha ha ha ! (thunder rings)

This quality metereological broadcast has been brought to you by darth octopus, who is trying to avoid doing his chemical clock skill D thingy.

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