Thursday, April 24, 2008

Year 2008 Term 2 Week 6 Day 4 (24 April)

Long time no post...

Poor Jia Jun, apparently he was deemed as a 无名小子 by Shizhi, who didn't see him despite walking all over the classroom, and told Miss Lim that he wasn't here so he couldn't give him his GP essay... 实之真是“目中无人”呀...

As for the topic of "women are the weaker sex", when you write an essay on it and plan to disagree, other than including examples of successful women, please remember to include some examples of totally useless men... Such as Spiderman (失败的man) and whoever you can think of...

And as the C rep, I would like to thank you guys for your lovely contributions during SMTP enrichment! 7 out of 10 chocolate bars went to 6K-ers... but i strongly suspect the frenzy started only after I came in...

Oh yes, an interesting line from Yongquan to Zhi Hui after Yongquan won a chocolate bar and Zhi Hui wanted it:
"Fat boys don't deserve to be loved."
O my... that's damn freaking funny...

And some very outdated photos...

Energetics is simply too easy for these two bright brains

Our very own welfare rep posing for the camera. Surely Jeremy would want this as his mobile phone wallpaper? xD

Learning from the ordeals of the 'C' rep, I shall not make any comment *ahem*

What do ya do when ya're bored in PW? You do silly stuff that ahem ends up in permanent digital records, or at least that's what our 'C' rep is doing xD. Do those two plaits remind anyone of Yuting?

Get 'A' for your physics!

Spot the difference!

'C' rep: Ok, the 1st 1 (by the C rep) says, "Drawing on the ideas in Dov Seidman's book, Friedman argues that increasing transparency will have a beneficial effect on human conduct." As for the 2nd 1 (by the AC rep), it says, "Drawing on the ideas in Dov Seidman's book, Friedman argues that increasing temperature will have a beneficial effect on human conduct." Which just goes to show that the AC rep hasn't been sleeping well for the past few nights...

The link between GP and the 'C' rep, inspired by the work of the asst 'C' rep (who is incidently the one uploading the pictures on the 'C' rep's behalf("Why so many?!") and providing the commentaries =))


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